Thursday, July 30, 2015

Time...what is it worth to you?

I ran across an internet meme which caught my attention. It had to do with not being a jackass whisperer. Many people I know have found that as they age, they have less patience for manufactured drama. It's as if the internal bs meter has reset to a low threshold. As I have become older, a lot less gets under my skin. But the things that do really rub me raw. I have developed a lot more patience with children, the elderly, and innocent mistakes. I still try hard to do what I think is right, but I am aware I am not perfect and neither is anyone else. I have very little patience for meanness, self-absorption, and arrogance. Life is short and there is so much beauty and kindness on which to focus. After reaching the half century mark, I just don't have time to waste on things that don't matter. I want to spend the precious commodity of time on being a positive presence in the world and spend my energy on things that matter within my realm of influence. I have become increasing aware of the unimportance of stuff and the importance of how we treat each other. I have become less controlling and more comfortable with uncertainty. I still try to look for the good in others, but I also realize that some people are poisonous and I am better off steering clear of them. I realized that everyone has a different perspective through which they view the world and it is neither better nor worse than mine. It is just different. I am less interested in impressing people and more interested in meaningful connections. I'm not good at evangelism, but I try to do my part by reflecting God's love in such a way that others desire it. I hope at the end of my days to hear the words, "Well done, faithful servant."

So when you are honest with yourself, you realize your days here on Earth are limited. On what and with whom are you willing to spend them?