Thursday, October 2, 2014

Is it right to accept the unfairness of life?

Yesterday I wondered why so many people are angry. Someone today said life is not fair. It's not the first time I've heard it. Heck, I've said it myself. I wonder if that is why so many people are angry. We get stuck in the idea that life should be fair and when it doesn't meet our expectations we get upset. I am stuck wondering if we should accept that life is unfair? If we accept injustice, will we quit opposing it? When do we fight for change and when do we let go of the reigns and just let it be? Anger is a sign that our needs aren't being met. So do we demand change or change our expectations?It's a fine balancing act. Anger can be productive and it can be destructive. I just don't know.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I wonder why so many people are angry. I wonder why so many people are looking for people to blame for the sorry state of their own lives. I think we are responsible for ourselves. But I also think we need to take better care of each other. We often rush around like Bulls in a china shop with no regard for each other's feelings. We're all in the same boat. Sometimes it feels like we are rowing in opposite directions. I believe we have an amazing ability within ourselves to heal each other. We need to know we are not alone.
I've always been a thinker, just sometimes not a coherent one. There are lots of things I wonder about and sometimes it gets me in trouble. More than occasionally, I impulsively say or write what's on my mind. Teaching chose me. I say chose me because I believe it is a calling. Things that are important to me are individuality, integrity, compassion, justice and truth. Those are just a few. I am passionate about the people I love and I am stimulated by ideas. I hope to use this blog to explore ideas and stimulate conversation. Welcome to the world inside my head. Sometimes it is a scary place.